COVID-19 may be worse for those with uncontrolled high blood pressure or diabetes
People who have uncontrolled high blood pressure or diabetes before getting COVID-19 may be at higher risk of hospitalization or being placed on a ventilator, according to new research that also shows an increased risk of death if diabetes isn't kept in check.
近1的研究.美国有500万成年人.S. 这是迄今为止规模最大的一次. Sandra Jackson, a lead health scientist in the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. 与其他研究不同的是, the new research looked at high blood pressure and diabetes control in people before they contracted the coronavirus, 而不是使用在COVID-19疾病期间进行的测量.
"These results underscore the importance of chronic disease control to pandemic preparedness," Jackson said.
这项研究周三发表在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志包括在2020年3月至2022年2月期间感染COVID-19的人. Overall, 43% of patients had high blood pressure, or hypertension, and 12% had diabetes. 其中大多数都有控制率的数据.
Compared to participants who had their high blood pressure under the best control, those with the least-controlled high blood pressure had about 30% greater odds of being hospitalized, 接受重症监护的几率要高30%, 需要呼吸机帮助呼吸的可能性增加32%.
糖尿病患者中, those with the least controlled A1C – a blood test to monitor blood sugar level – had about 61% greater odds of being hospitalized, 接受重症监护的几率增加42%, 使用呼吸机的可能性要高12%, and 18% greater odds of death compared to those with the most controlled A1C level.
研究人员根据年龄进行了调整, race, 吸烟状况和其他可能影响结果的因素, but they lacked the necessary information about COVID-19 vaccination status.
Adults with hypertension or diabetes can work with their doctors to monitor and effectively treat these conditions, Jackson said. In addition, 她说:“这有助于避免COVID-19引发的严重疾病, patients with hypertension and diabetes can adhere to vaccine recommendations and can seek early treatment if they do become ill with COVID-19."
The CDC recommends everyone ages 5 and older get the updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness from COVID-19.
Dr. Sandeep Das, 达拉斯德州大学西南医学中心的心脏病专家, 他说,这项新研究增加了美国对COVID-19的了解.S.
"A key strength is that it captures data on a very large number of people prior to hospitalization, 从而可以描述住院率, 通气和死亡率, 在一般感染covid - 19的人群中,哪些是不常见的结果," said Das, 谁没有参与这项研究.
"The authors have clearly identified a population of patients with COVID-19 who are at increased risk of worse outcomes, 这些信息在制定公共政策时很有价值," he said. "Although this study didn't directly examine the effects of COVID-19 prevention or early treatment strategies, 这些都是未来研究的好目标."
The COVID-19 pandemic struck a blow to chronic disease management by disrupting health care access and people's daily health routines, leading to fewer ways for adults to obtain preventive health care or engage in behaviors known to promote hypertension and diabetes control, 研究人员写道. 强调大流行期间疾病管理的重要性, they recommend telehealth appointments as well as education and support to help people better manage their conditions.
美国心脏协会统计数据 显示近一半的美国成年人.S. 约1.22亿人患有高血压, which is defined as a reading of 130 mmHg or higher as the top number (systolic) or 80 mmHg or higher as the bottom number (diastolic). 然而,据估计,只有四分之一的人的高血压得到控制. Meanwhile, about 29 million adults have been diagnosed with diabetes, and another 9.700万人患有糖尿病,但却不自知. High blood pressure and diabetes each increase the risk for heart disease, 中风和其他严重的健康问题.
This latest research comes as new hospitalizations for COVID-19 increased from 6,7月初至16日,10月初766, according to CDC tracking. Infectious disease experts and scenario models indicate that this fall and winter season is likely to bring a COVID-19中度波 similar to last year, but the peak could come earlier compared to previous years.